The Enchanting Beauty Revealed: A Glimpse into My Mixed Media Portraits

Hello and welcome to my very first blog post! I'm pleased to take you on a journey into my world and show you how I bring my unique mixed media portraits to life. I love working with acrylic paint and mixed media to unveil the distinct beauty of each face. By blending paint with cutouts from newspapers, magazines, and posters, I create intriguing artworks that I then finish with a glossy layer of resin. This process demands time and dedication, but the result is a shift in perception of distance and proximity, with the added images and cutouts becoming increasingly visible as you approach. More on this:

The Face as a Unique Canvas

Every face holds its own story, waiting to be revealed. I draw inspiration from photos that serve as the foundation for my portraits. The subtle details, expressions, and unique features of each individual captivate me, and my goal is to capture these in my work. Through my portraits, I unveil the hidden beauty often overlooked by the eye.

Mixed Media - A Layered Approach

My love for mixed media allows me to add extra dimensions to my portraits. By combining paint with cutouts from newspapers, magazines, and posters, I create an interplay of diverse elements. These carefully chosen images add depth, giving my work an extra layer of meaning. I invite the viewer to look beyond the face and discover what else lies beneath.

The Magic of Resin

To provide a lasting impact to my paintings, I often apply a glossy layer of resin. This resin not only adds a beautiful shine to the surface, but also enhances the colors and depth of the artwork. Moreover, it safeguards the artworks and imparts a sense of durability and quality.

A Personal Experience

For me, art is not only about creating beautiful images, but also about sharing a personal experience. Each painting has its own story. Through my blog, I hope to offer you a deeper appreciation for the unique beauty I aim to reveal.

Stay Updated

I invite you to return to my blog regularly, where I will share new paintings, artistic discoveries, and upcoming exhibitions with you.

Thank You for Reading

Before I sign off, I want to express my gratitude for your interest in my artworks. I hope my paintings continue to inspire you, and that I can keep surprising you with my artistic journey, new collections, and forms.

Until next time, where we'll delve deeper into the first step of my creative process: selecting the perfect photo as the inspiration source for my mixed media portraits.

Ron van Dam

Portrait Artist

Collages and Mixed Media

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